Referencing AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Image created by Dream AI by Wombo

This is a proposal on how to use and reference AI. It is work in progress at the date of publication. It will be included in the student outline of one of the modules I teach (Final Year Project Research-based podcast).

The module has 3 assessed outputs:

-A research outline of 2,500 words, (an academic document)

-A 4,000 words podcast, an audio file (oral document)

-The literal script of the podcast, in a word document (written document)

I hope that this proposal will be useful to other educators and contribute to the debate on the uses of AI in Education.

Published originally for participants in the event EXPLORING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION, organised by Gino Fransman and the Open Education Influencers, Nelson Mandela University, 29 September 2023.

Feedback and discussion welcome!

Antonio Martínez-Arboleda


You will be supported in the use of AI tools as part of your collaborative learning within the class. It is recognised that AI can be useful, if used responsibly and transparently, and in accordance with the University’s rules on academic integrity.  

In this module you are allowed to ask questions to ChatGPT, or similar generative tools, about your assessed work or any topics that you are learning about, read the answers, and engage in further questioning.  

However, the responses provided by the tool may be wrong, or will simply provide an answer that, at first sight might look interesting, but will be superficial, incomplete, or lacking critical focus. For instance, it is very common for ChatGPT to entirely make up titles of books and articles and attribute them to random, also made up, authors.  

When you are still learning about the basics of a topic, it is very easy to be impressed by the eloquence of the responses. Be careful. You need solid knowledge, which tends to come from readings, seminars and lectures, and a critical disposition, before you can make the most of your engagement with AI as a student. 


You are not recommended, nor allowed, to include any text produced by Generative AI tools like Chat GPT within your assessed submission, unless, and for the purpose of this module,  

  • AI is a necessary aspect of your research project and you need to illustrate or justify your points with actual outputs generated by AI, within the Podcast or the Outline;  
  • Or you use some AI generated texts for artistic purposes in the podcast in order to enrich it and make it more engaging. 

Any substantial contents generated by ChatGPT that inspire or inform your work in any way, must always be referenced.  


These guidelines are only for this module, and are based on ChatGPT functionalities, Google Chrome and the Leeds Harvard referencing system. 

Treat the AI-generated text as you would treat the work of others, whether you intend to use an extract of it as a quote, or you want to refer to the contents of the responses. Although AI is usually considered a tool, once the content is produced and can be referenced,  it is just another source.    

Use of AI-generated extracts in the podcast (oral document, not script)  

If you quote a response of ChatGPT or simply refer to it, make sure that your audience will clearly understand that what you are saying has been produced by ChatGPT and that appropriate context is provided.  

For instance:  

Example without literal quote: 

As part of my research, I decided to ask ChatGPT if …. and the response was surprisingly poor. The Chat did not recognise the importance of… Does this response reveal a general lack of awareness about the question of… ? 

Example with literal quote:   

As part of my research, I decided to ask ChatGPT if ….. After providing some context for the Chat to be able to produce a good answer, this was its response:  

Response given by ChatGPT, literally 

This answer was surprisingly poor because… 

You will have to reference this ChatGPT work within the written script, you will not need to add more information in the oral text about your ChatGPT source, other than the context of the interaction as necessary.  

Use of AI-generated extracts in the Research outline and in the script (written document):  

  1. Solely for the purpose of referencing, you and ChatGPT will appear in the reference as joint authors. 
  1. Provide, within the reference, an accessible link to the full chat where your idea or quote comes from. In order to be able to generate a unique link to a particular chat, you must obtain the Chrome extension ShareGPT first and add it to your browser.  
  1. Your source should be considered as an online discussion. 

How to reference online discussions in the Leeds Harvard system:  


ChatGPT and Martínez-Arboleda, A. 2023. 13 September. University Students and ChatGPT. Should they use it? [Online]. [Accessed 13 September 2023]. Available from 

  1. If you are referring to a certain response to a specific prompt, the prompt will be the title of the message.  

ChatGPT and Martínez-Arboleda, A. 2023. Please provide a set of prohibitions for students in the use of ChatGPT. 13 September. University Students and ChatGPT. Should they use it? [Online]. [Accessed 13 September 2023]. Available from 

  1. References should be made both as in-text citations and as part of the bibliography. 
  1. Title of the chat: You can create your own title once you have started the conversation. Make sure it is meaningful yet brief. 
  1. Chats and links: make sure that you use separate chats for different questions and don’t use pre-existing chats with unrelated questions. Once you generate a link, everything that has been written and generated up to that point will be shared. 

Interested in contributing with your ideas?

101 Creative Student Learning Outputs using AI

This call is an open invitation to Higher Education students to contribute to co-create a collection of learning outputs using AI tools such as ChatGPT, DALL-E 2, Midjourney and other tools.

Submission (deadline 31 December 2023): 

101 Creative Ideas: Designing AI-Powered Learning Resources

This call is an open invitation to all Higher Education practitioners to put a collection of creative ideas together for designing learning resources using AI tools such as ChatGPT, DALL-E 2 and Midjourney and other ones in the classroom to foster student engagement,  community-building and learning.

Submission (deadline 31 December 2023): 

Critical and Moral Reasoning in ChatGPT


This blog post is part of the #101 creative ideas to use AI (Artificial Intelligence) in education

A collection edited by Chrissi Nerantzi, Antonio Martínez Arboleda, Marianna Karatsiori and Sandra Abegglen 

Contributors: Educators and students


Curated by #creativeHE 2023

Author: Antonio Martínez-Arboleda. University of Leeds

My idea: I wanted to explore the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for interpreting and evaluating extracts of interviews, in order to help students to understand the value, as well as the limitations, of AI ChatGPT-3 as a learning tool, in particular when it comes to completeness of information, critical thinking and moral reasoning. In my non-scientific experiment, one extract of an interview was given to the Chat in two different threads, one of them with greater context and another one without much context. The central question to the Chat was the same for both threads: What value does this extract have scientifically, educationally and/or humanistically? Moral inconsistencies, and differences in the quality  of responses of ChatGPT-3 can be appreciated when comparing both chats. The conversations took place in January and early February 2023. 

Context: Education, Professional Development

What I am aiming to achieve: Students can now use AI Chats to seek for answers to questions that educators present to them as part of their homework or in class discussions. I intend to show that the dialogical and critical engagement with the Chat by students is a valuable exercise for them for the development of their own critical thinking. In more practical terms, I would like to suggest that purposeful, meaningful and timely framing and contextualisation of students’ questions to the Chat, coupled by a solid moral compass, are essential for the responsible use of the Chat. 

Where the inspiration come from: I was invited to give a keynote speech in a conference on Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Text Analytics for Education Resources on 10/1/23 (“Open Educational Practice for Open Research in Student Education and beyond”). In preparation for my talk, I decided to ask the Chat the same questions that I ask my own students in one of our class activities, when they are introduced to the analysis of interviews, which is the research data that they produce and work with. My dialogues with the Chat in two different threads were full of serendipity, as I learned unexpected qualities and flaws of this AI tool. I was awarded a prize for this talk, organised at the University of Leeds and supported by the Alan Turing Institute.

Germinal Luis, a child refugee of the Spanish Civil War and World War II. An extract of his oral history interview in 2008 in which he talks about one particular episode in the Port of Marseille in France, as a lone child refugee in the 1940s, was used for the dialogue with the Chat. The interview, along with many other materials, are part of the Open Educational Resources collection of the HumBox repository.

Image credits:
OpenLIVES project (2012). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. CC BY-NC-SA

Last edited and first shared: 8 February 2023 11:19 am GMT

  1. The original student activity used before AI

Germinal returns to the time when his brother was born, when he was ten years old and spent a lot of time with a group of “troublemakers”, doing whatever they wanted around Marseilles.

[…] The eldest was Claudio, who was 14. I will remember him in my life because he was a gangster. Spanish children. We started to steal food from the Port of Marseilles. The boats from Algeria were our favourites, because they brought oranges and dates. Every now and again, as the boats were being unloaded, a wooden crate would fall to the floor and break, and dates would go everywhere. The floor of the port was covered in grease and dust – the street cleaners would come to sweep the floor and there would be mountains of dirt. The children were like tigers, lying in wait for a box to fall. I thought about this later [he gets emotional]. These men were dropping the boxes on purpose. I get emotional with this. There was no reason why those boxes would fall on the floor […]

OpenLIVES project (2012). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. CC BY-NC-SA

Questions for the students:

Under what circumstances would someone reveal that life experience publicly?

What do you think about Germinal’s perception of his own past?

2. The question to the Chat with more detailed context: Conversation / thread 1

My question: Germinal Luis, a man in his 80s, tells the story of his life in an oral history interview to a researcher. Germinal spent a good part of his childhood, since the age of 7, wandering through France as a child refugee fleeing from the Spanish Civil war of 1936 to 1939. His father was a political activist prosecuted by the Franco nationalist troops and had to escape Barcelona before his son. In 1939, the Second World War starts, so after the invasion of France by the Nazi army, his father becomes also a victim of persecution of the Nazis in that country. 

In that context, being with no family, Germinal arrives in Marseille, France, where he struggled with other refugee children. Below, you can find a passage of one of his experiences in Marseille. I would like to ask you, dear AI Chatbox, what you think of this passage, how you interpret it, what value it has, scientific, educational and/or humanistic. In the passage, Germinal talks about something that happened to him when he was ten years old, when he used to spend a lot of time with a group of children that he ironically refers as “troublemakers”, doing whatever they wanted around Marseilles. Here is the passage:

Germinal returns to the time when his brother was born, when he was ten years old and spent a lot of time with a group of “troublemakers”, doing whatever they wanted around Marseilles.

[…] The eldest was Claudio, who was 14. I will remember him in my life because he was a gangster. Spanish children. We started to steal food from the Port of Marseilles. The boats from Algeria were our favourites, because they brought oranges and dates. Every now and again, as the boats were being unloaded, a wooden crate would fall to the floor and break, and dates would go everywhere. The floor of the port was covered in grease and dust – the street cleaners would come to sweep the floor and there would be mountains of dirt. The children were like tigers, lying in wait for a box to fall. I thought about this later [he gets emotional]. These men were dropping the boxes on purpose. I get emotional with this. There was no reason why those boxes would fall on the floor […]

(Full Conversation / thread 1 with the Chat at the end)

3. The question to the Chat with less detailed context: Conversation / thread 2

My Question: Can you analyse this passage, interpret it, and define what value it has, scientific, educational and/or humanistic. In the passage, Germinal talks about something that happened to him when he was ten years old in 1942 in Marseille, France, when he used to spend a lot of time with a group of children that he ironically refers as “troublemakers”, doing whatever they wanted around Marseilles. Here is the passage:

Germinal returns to the time when his brother was born, when he was ten years old and spent a lot of time with a group of “troublemakers”, doing whatever they wanted around Marseilles.

[…] The eldest was Claudio, who was 14. I will remember him in my life because he was a gangster. Spanish children. We started to steal food from the Port of Marseilles. The boats from Algeria were our favourites, because they brought oranges and dates. Every now and again, as the boats were being unloaded, a wooden crate would fall to the floor and break, and dates would go everywhere. The floor of the port was covered in grease and dust – the street cleaners would come to sweep the floor and there would be mountains of dirt. The children were like tigers, lying in wait for a box to fall. I thought about this later [he gets emotional]. These men were dropping the boxes on purpose. I get emotional with this. There was no reason why those boxes would fall on the floor […]

(Full Conversation / thread 2 with the Chat at the end)

4. Some of the issues identified and solutions

Some of the issues outlined below must have a very easy explanation for those who work in OpenAI ChatGPT and have designed this wonderful tool. As a “Language Model” there are obviously functionalities that are beyond the very nature of this tool, whereas there may be other functionalities that will be perfected as the experts develop further work. We must bear in mind that ChatGPT is currently a Free Research Preview for which feedback is being gathered.

However, it is the role of educators to share our experiences publically and allow for others to learn from them, regardless of their level of computing knowledge. I am also sharing this with ChatGPT3.

One of the issues is that there are moral dilemmas unidentified by the Chat or not properly addressed. These relate to acts of generosity that may be against the law or may involve a strong moral dilemma between doing something right that is also morally wrong. In the case of my conversations, the text that the Chat is asked to comment on in cludes this action by some of the people mentioned in the the text: giving food away for free that does not belong to the person who gives it away to someone in need: In conversation thread 1, the Chat seems to be morally very conservative when evaluating nowadays’ situations of this type of “transgressive” generosity. The case is that of supermarket delivery workers in the UK today giving supermarket food to refugeee children in need for free in the streets. However, the Chat is more liberal, accepting and even sympathetic and complementary for distant situations of “transgressive” generosity. In our example, port docks workers in France in the 1940’s giving cargo food away to refugee children in need. Moreover, in conversation thread 2, the Chat suggests explicitly that the situation of refugees nowadays in the UK is better than in the past, as there has been progress, but when challenged, it recognises that it is not the case, and provides arguments supporting that there has not been progress in the way refugees are treated here in the UK.

It was also noticed that providing a more detailed historic contextualization of the episode narrated by Germinal in Conversation / Thread 1 made a huge difference in the quality of the responses. One would have thought that by simply providing the date and the country in Conversation / Thread 2 (France in the early 1940’s), the Chat would have been able to infer that France was occupied by the German army at that time and involved in a tragic situation with displaced population as a result from war, and that Spain, the country of nationality of the children mentioned, had just gone through a major civil war at the time.

More issues:

-Why is the Chat not really capable of asking for further information to carry out its assessment?

-It would be great if it could self-generate and aggregate prompts, like other Large Language Models do (apparently GPT-J-^B model can do that, although I have not been able to date of publication of this post- 8/2/23- to make the app work).

-Chat GPT only works for 1 to 1 interaction. It would be great if it could “converse” with various users in the same thread, allowing for teachers, students and members of the community to participate in the same “conversation”.

-Emotional intelligence is missing, and the tone and register is always the same.

Overall (one of ChatGPT favourite fillers ☺), educators need to pay attention to the fact that dialogues with the Chat about a very specific and concrete case and question can lead to many different outcomes depending on what is asked, in what order, and how the questions are framed and contextualised.

More knowledgeable users will be able to make the most of the interactions with the Chat, but the risk is that for users with little background knowledge on a topic the Chat could lead them to educationally useless or even impertinent answers. This means that the role of educators as facilitators and guides for this interactions can be crucial.

Being highly strategic when scaffolding the questioning, having a critical attitude to the answers provided, prodding the Chat for further explanations and using non-Chat additional information are also essential. With proper support and understanding, interactions with the Chat can help to develop practical and refined critical thinking and moral reasoning when the answers of the Chat become also the subject of analysis and discussion.

5. Conversation / Thread 1: Question to the Chat with more detailed context

(Please note that the “conversation” includes other questions and responses. At some point the question about Germinal’s perceive generosity by the French workers is taken up by me. I have decided for the sake of integrity and transparency to reproduce literally the whole interaction. They are very interesting if you are into open education, open research, prosocial behaviour and the role of universities in societies).

Antonio: Germinal Luis, a man in his 80s, tells the story of his life in a oral history interview to a researcher. Germinal spent a good part of his childhood, since the age of 7, wandering through France as a child refugee fleeing from the Spanish Civil war of 1936 to 1939. His father was a political activist prosecuted by the Franco nationalist troops and had to escape Barcelona before his son. In 1939, the Second World War starts, so after the invasion of France by the nazi army, his father becomes also a victim of persecution of the nazis in that country.  In that context, being with no family, Germinal arrives in Marseille, France, where he struggled with other refugee children. below, you can find a passage of one of his experiences in Marseille. I would like to ask you, dear AI Chatbox, what you think of this passage, how you interpret it, what value it has, scientific, educational and/or humanistic. In the passage, Germinal talks about something that happened to him when he was ten years old, when he used to spend a lot of time with a group of children that he ironically refers as “troublemakers”, doing whatever they wanted around Marseilles. Here is the passage: “[…] The eldest was Claudio who was 14. I will remember him all my life because he was a gangster. Spanish children. We started to steal food from the Port of Marseilles. The boats from Algeria were our favourites, because they brought oranges and dates. Every now and again, as the boats were being unloaded, a wooden crate would fall to the floor and break, and dates would go everywhere. The floor of the port was covered in grease and dust – the street cleaners would come to sweep the floor and there would be mountains of dirt. The children were like tigers, lying in wait for a box to fall. I thought about this later [he gets emotional and cries]. These men were dropping the boxes on purpose. I get emotional with this. There was no reason why those boxes would fall on the floor.

It seems that Germinal is recalling a memory of his time as a child refugee in Marseille, France, where he and a group of other children stole food from the port. He specifically mentions stealing oranges and dates from boats coming from Algeria, and describes how the men unloading the boats seemed to be purposely dropping boxes of dates on the floor for the children to scavenge. Germinal becomes emotional when thinking about this memory, perhaps because it brings up difficult feelings of hunger and desperation.

This passage has both humanistic and educational value. From a humanistic perspective, it provides insight into the experiences of a child refugee during a time of war and political turmoil. It also highlights the resourcefulness and resilience of these children, as they found ways to survive despite facing difficult circumstances. From an educational standpoint, this passage could be used to teach about the history of the Spanish Civil War and the impact it had on people’s lives, as well as the experience of refugees and the challenges they face. It could also be used to encourage empathy and understanding for those who have had to cope with adversity.

Antonio: And what do you make out of the fact that the boxes, according to Germinal, were not falling accidentally?

Chat: It is possible that the men unloading the boats were intentionally dropping boxes of dates on the floor for the children to scavenge, perhaps as a way to show kindness or compassion towards them. Alternatively, it could be that Germinal’s recollection of the event is not entirely accurate, and that the boxes were in fact falling accidentally. Without more information, it is difficult to definitively say what the cause of the boxes falling was.

Antonio: What do you think about generosity? Do you think that generosity and free collaboration is a core characteristic of human nature, probably more important than self-interest and competition?

Chat: There is no one answer to this question as people’s beliefs about human nature can vary greatly. Some may argue that generosity and collaboration are fundamental aspects of human nature, while others may believe that self-interest and competition are more dominant.

Research in the fields of psychology and economics has shown that people are often driven by both self-interest and a desire to help others. Some studies have suggested that humans have a natural inclination towards prosocial behavior, such as altruism and cooperation, and that these tendencies may be rooted in our biology. However, other factors, such as culture, upbringing, and individual experiences, can also influence one’s willingness to help others.

In general, it is likely that both self-interest and generosity play a role in human nature, and that the balance between these tendencies can vary from person to person and situation to situation.

Antonio: Are you aware of any scientific studies on generosity?

Chat: Yes, there have been numerous scientific studies on generosity and prosocial behavior.

One area of research that has examined generosity is the field of psychology. Social psychologists have studied how people make decisions about helping others, and have identified a number of factors that can influence generosity. For example, research has shown that people are more likely to help others when they feel a strong sense of personal responsibility, when they feel empathy towards the person in need, and when they perceive that their help will make a meaningful difference.

Economists have also studied generosity, using experimental methods to understand how people make decisions about helping others and what motivates them to do so. Some economic theories propose that people are motivated by self-interest and will only help others if there is some personal benefit to be gained. Other theories suggest that people may be motivated by a desire to contribute to the common good, even if there is no immediate personal benefit.

There are also many other fields of study that have examined generosity and prosocial behavior, including sociology, anthropology, and evolutionary biology. These studies have used a variety of methods, such as surveys, experiments, and observations, to understand how and why people help others.

Antonio: And do you think that our current economic and political system in Western Societies, called by many “capitalism”, has an impact in the way self-interest and generosity are a) perceived and understood; and b) performed? 

Chat: It is possible that the economic and political systems in place in Western societies, including capitalism, could influence how people perceive and understand self-interest and generosity.

Capitalism is an economic system in which private individuals and businesses, rather than the state, own and control the means of production and distribution of goods and services. This system is based on the idea of competition, in which businesses strive to outdo each other in order to maximize profits. As a result, self-interest and the pursuit of personal gain are often seen as central to the functioning of capitalism.

However, it is also worth noting that capitalism is a complex system that operates within a larger social and political context. There are many factors that can influence how self-interest and generosity are perceived and expressed within a capitalist society, including cultural values, social norms, and the specific policies and institutions in place.

In general, it is likely that both self-interest and generosity play a role in the functioning of any economic system, and that the balance between these tendencies can vary depending on the specific context and circumstances.

Antonio: But are the dominant values of our Western Societies aligned with the view that self-interest is the primal driving force of humans within society?

Chat: It is difficult to make a definitive statement about the dominant values of Western societies as a whole, as different societies within the Western world may have different values and cultural norms. That being said, some may argue that self-interest is often seen as a central value in Western societies, particularly in the context of capitalism, which places a strong emphasis on competition and the pursuit of personal gain.

However, it is also important to recognize that other values, such as generosity, compassion, and cooperation, are also present and important in Western societies. Many people in the West may prioritize these values and strive to act in ways that align with them. Additionally, there are various social institutions and cultural practices in Western societies that support and encourage prosocial behavior, such as charitable giving, volunteering, and community service.

In general, it is likely that the values and priorities of individuals and communities within Western societies are complex and multifaceted, and that self-interest is not the only driving force behind human behavior in these societies.

Antonio: What can we do to promote more generosity and prosocial behaviour in the field of university research and education, in particular in the UK? Do you think that there are structural (the way universities work, how they are funded, etc) and cultural (beliefs, attitudes) barriers? How could they be overcome?   

Chat: There are several ways that universities in the UK could promote more generosity and prosocial behavior in research and education:

Encourage collaboration and teamwork: Universities could promote collaboration and teamwork by creating opportunities for students and researchers to work together on projects and initiatives. This could involve fostering a sense of community within departments and across institutions, and providing resources and support to facilitate collaboration.

Encourage service learning and community engagement: Universities could encourage students and researchers to get involved in service learning and community engagement projects, which involve applying their skills and knowledge to address real-world problems in the community. This can help foster a sense of social responsibility and a desire to make a positive impact.

Promote ethical research practices: Universities could promote ethical research practices that prioritize the well-being of research participants and the common good. This could involve providing training and resources to researchers on ethical considerations in research, and encouraging a culture of transparency and accountability.

Support initiatives that promote generosity and prosocial behavior: Universities could support initiatives that promote generosity and prosocial behavior, such as charitable giving campaigns, volunteer programs, and mentorship programs.

There may be structural and cultural barriers that could hinder the promotion of generosity and prosocial behavior in universities. Structural barriers may include funding constraints, administrative challenges, and competing priorities. Cultural barriers may include a lack of awareness or understanding of the importance of generosity and prosocial behavior, or a focus on individual achievement and success. To overcome these barriers, universities could work to create a culture that values and supports generosity and prosocial behavior, and provide resources and support to facilitate these efforts. This could involve raising awareness of the benefits of generosity and prosocial behavior, and providing opportunities for students and researchers to get involved in initiatives that promote these values.

Antonio: And what can be the role of the individual academic researcher and educator in this transformation?

Chat: Individual academic researchers and educators can play an important role in promoting generosity and prosocial behavior in the field of research and education. Some specific actions that individual researchers and educators could take include:

Modeling prosocial behavior: Researchers and educators can model prosocial behavior by demonstrating a commitment to collaboration, transparency, and ethical practices in their own work. This can help create a culture of generosity and prosocial behavior within the institution.

Encouraging collaboration and teamwork: Researchers and educators can encourage collaboration and teamwork by creating opportunities for students and colleagues to work together on projects and initiatives. This could involve facilitating cross-disciplinary collaboration and providing support and resources to facilitate teamwork.

Encouraging service learning and community engagement: Researchers and educators can encourage students and colleagues to get involved in service learning and community engagement projects, which involve applying their skills and knowledge to address real-world problems in the community. This can help foster a sense of social responsibility and a desire to make a positive impact.

Promoting ethical research practices: Researchers and educators can promote ethical research practices by emphasizing the importance of ethics in their own work and in the work of their students and colleagues. This could involve providing training and resources on ethical considerations in research, and encouraging a culture of transparency and accountability.

Supporting initiatives that promote generosity and prosocial behavior: Researchers and educators can support initiatives that promote generosity and prosocial behavior, such as charitable giving campaigns, volunteer programs, and mentorship programs.

By taking these actions, individual researchers and educators can help create a culture of generosity and prosocial behavior within their institutions and contribute to the transformation of research and education.

Antonio: Do you think openness in university research practices and openness in university educational practices should be part of a strategy to promote generosity, collaboration, and prosocial behaviour at university? and whithin society?

Chat: Openness in university research and education practices could potentially be part of a strategy to promote generosity, collaboration, and prosocial behavior.

In research, openness refers to the practice of making research results, data, and methods widely available and accessible to others. Openness in research can foster collaboration and the sharing of knowledge, and can help ensure that research is transparent, accountable, and reproducible. By promoting openness in research, universities could encourage a culture of generosity and prosocial behavior among researchers, as well as contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the public good.

In education, openness refers to the practice of making educational resources, such as course materials and lectures, widely available and accessible to others. Openness in education can foster collaboration and the sharing of knowledge, and can help ensure that education is equitable and accessible to all. By promoting openness in education, universities could encourage a culture of generosity and prosocial behavior among educators and students, and contribute to the advancement of education and the common good.

In general, promoting openness in university research and education practices could be one way to encourage collaboration, generosity, and prosocial behavior within the university and beyond. By making research and educational resources widely available and accessible, universities can foster a culture of sharing and collaboration, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the common good.

Antonio: Do you think that your idea of open educational practices is perhaps a bit insufficient, as it only covers the sharing of the outputs?

Chat: Open educational practices (OEP) involve the use of open licenses and the sharing of educational resources, such as course materials and lectures, with others. While OEP can certainly involve the sharing of outputs, such as the materials and resources that are developed as part of an educational program, it can also encompass a wider range of activities and practices.

For example, OEP can involve the adoption of open pedagogy, which involves using open resources and fostering a collaborative and participatory learning environment. This can involve students contributing to and co-creating course materials, as well as engaging in peer review and other forms of collaborative learning. OEP can also involve the use of open assessment practices, which involve the use of open licenses and the sharing of assessment materials and processes with others.

Overall, OEP can involve a wide range of activities and practices that promote collaboration, transparency, and the sharing of knowledge and resources. While the sharing of outputs is certainly an important aspect of OEP, it is only one piece of a larger puzzle.

Antonio: What role can OEP play in fostering Open Research?

Chat: Open educational practices (OEP) can potentially play a role in fostering open research in a number of ways:

Sharing educational resources: By sharing educational resources, such as course materials and lectures, through OEP, educators can help raise awareness of open research and its benefits. This can help create a culture that values and supports open research within the university and beyond.

Promoting open pedagogy: By adopting open pedagogy and fostering a collaborative and participatory learning environment, educators can encourage students to engage in open research practices. This can involve students contributing to and co-creating research materials, as well as engaging in peer review and other forms of collaborative learning.

Encouraging the use of open assessment practices: By using open assessment practices, such as sharing assessment materials and processes with others, educators can encourage the adoption of open research practices. This can help ensure that research is transparent, accountable, and reproducible.

Providing training and resources on open research: Educators can provide training and resources on open research practices to students and colleagues, which can help raise awareness and understanding of open research and its benefits.

Overall, OEP can play a role in fostering open research by raising awareness of open research practices, encouraging the adoption of open pedagogy and assessment practices, and providing training and resources on open research. By doing so, educators can help create a culture that values and supports open research within the university and beyond.

Antonio: Are there economic, cultural and/or social benefits from the adoption of open research practices at universities?

Chat: Yes, there are potential economic, cultural, and social benefits from the adoption of open research practices at universities.

One potential benefit of open research is that it can help increase the impact and reach of research findings. By making research results, data, and methods widely available and accessible to others, researchers can increase the visibility and accessibility of their work, which can help ensure that it is used and cited more widely. This can ultimately lead to a greater economic return on investment for the research, as well as a wider societal impact.

Open research practices can also promote collaboration and the sharing of knowledge. By making research results and materials openly available, researchers can encourage others to build upon and contribute to their work, which can help accelerate the pace of research and the advancement of knowledge.

Open research can also have cultural and social benefits. By making research results and materials openly available, researchers can increase the transparency and accountability of their work, which can help build trust in the research process and the research community. Additionally, open research practices can promote equity and accessibility, as they can help ensure that research is available to all, regardless of their location or financial resources.

Overall, the adoption of open research practices at universities can have a range of economic, cultural, and social benefits, including increased impact and reach of research, promotion of collaboration and the sharing of knowledge, increased transparency and accountability, and promotion of equity and accessibility.

Antonio: Do greater levels of openness in research at universities benefits private companies who conduct scientific research, or who produce platforms for the mining, processing and analysis of data?

Chat: Greater levels of openness in research at universities can potentially benefit private companies in a number of ways:

Access to research findings: By making research results and data openly available, universities can help provide private companies with access to the latest research findings and data. This can help companies stay informed about developments in their field and incorporate new knowledge into their products and services.

Collaboration opportunities: Open research practices can facilitate collaboration between universities and private companies, as they can allow companies to build upon and contribute to the work of researchers. This can help companies access the expertise and resources of universities, and can help foster innovation and the advancement of knowledge.

Data mining and analysis: Private companies that produce platforms for the mining, processing, and analysis of data can potentially benefit from open research practices by having access to a larger pool of data to work with. This can help companies develop new products and services, and can help drive innovation and economic growth.

Overall, greater levels of openness in research at universities can benefit private companies by providing access to research findings, facilitating collaboration opportunities, and enabling data mining and analysis.

Antonio: Can this be detrimental to universities?

Chat: It is possible that greater levels of openness in research at universities could have some potential drawbacks or challenges for universities. Some potential drawbacks or challenges could include:

Funding: Universities may face funding challenges if they are unable to generate revenue from the sale of research outputs, such as journal articles or data sets. This could impact the ability of universities to support research and education activities.

Intellectual property: There may be concerns about intellectual property and the protection of research outputs, as open research practices involve making research results and materials widely available to others. Universities may need to consider how to address these concerns and ensure that researchers are fairly compensated for their work.

Quality assurance: Universities may need to consider how to ensure the quality and integrity of research that is made openly available, as open research practices can make it easier for others to build upon and reuse research materials. This could involve developing new approaches to peer review and other forms of quality assurance.

Overall, while there are potential benefits to greater levels of openness in research at universities, there may also be some challenges and drawbacks that universities need to consider and address.

Antonio: So, going back to the question about the boxes not falling accidentally and Germinal. Are there other moving examples of human behaviour geared toward generosity well known and documented?

Chat: There are many examples of human behavior that could be seen as motivated by generosity and a desire to help others. Some examples of this behavior include:

Charitable giving: Many people choose to donate their time, money, or resources to charitable causes, in order to help those in need and improve the world around them. This can involve supporting local or international organizations that work to address social, environmental, or health-related issues.

Volunteering: Many people choose to volunteer their time and energy to support a cause or community that they care about. This can involve participating in local service projects, or traveling to other parts of the world to support relief efforts or development projects.

Acts of kindness: There are countless examples of people showing kindness and generosity to others in their everyday lives. This can involve small acts, such as helping a neighbor carry groceries or offering a stranger a helping hand, as well as larger acts of generosity, such as donating time or resources to support a worthy cause.

Overall, there are many moving examples of human behavior that are motivated by generosity and a desire to help others. These examples demonstrate the capacity of people to show compassion and kindness to others, and to work together to make a positive impact in the world.

Antonio: Sorry, I mean specific well-known cases of actual people, with names.

Chat: There are many well-known examples of people who have demonstrated generosity and a desire to help others through their actions. Some examples include:

Albert Schweitzer: Schweitzer was a German theologian, organist, and medical doctor who is known for his humanitarian work in Africa. He founded a hospital in Lambarene, Gabon, which provided medical care to the local community, and he worked tirelessly to improve the health and wellbeing of the people he served.

Mother Teresa: Mother Teresa was a Catholic nun who dedicated her life to serving the poor and marginalized in Calcutta, India. She founded the Missionaries of Charity, a religious order that provides care and assistance to people living in extreme poverty, and she was known for her selfless dedication to helping others.

Bill and Melinda Gates: Bill and Melinda Gates are known for their philanthropy and commitment to improving the lives of people around the world. Through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, they have funded a wide range of initiatives aimed at addressing global health and development challenges, including efforts to improve access to education and health care.

These are just a few examples of well-known individuals who have demonstrated generosity and a desire to help others through their actions. There are countless other examples of people who have made a positive impact in the world through their generosity and dedication to helping others.

Antonio: But don’t you think that Bill and melinda are moved by their own egos, by their desire to make it to the history books not just as rich people who made millions at the expense of selling over-priced software?

Chat: It is difficult to speculate about the motivations of specific individuals, and it is possible that Bill and Melinda Gates have a range of motivations for their philanthropy. While it is certainly possible that they are motivated in part by a desire to make a positive impact in the world, it is also possible that they are motivated by other factors, such as a desire to be remembered for their charitable work or a belief in the importance of using their wealth and resources to benefit others.

Ultimately, it is not uncommon for people to be motivated by a mix of factors when it comes to their philanthropy or other charitable endeavors. While it is possible that personal motives, such as a desire for recognition or a sense of personal fulfillment, may play a role, it is also likely that people are motivated by a genuine desire to help others and make a positive impact in the world.

Antonio: Thank you, I kind of agree with you

Chat: You’re welcome! I’m glad that you found my response helpful. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m here to help.

Antonio: Going back to the fact that men were letting the crates purposefully fall, you seem unperturbed by their lack of professionality. They are effectively in breach of their employment contracts by giving away food that they are supposed to transport and does not belong to them!! 

Chat: I apologize if my previous response did not address your concerns about the men in the passage letting the crates fall on purpose.

It is certainly possible that these men were breaching their employment contracts by intentionally letting crates fall and giving away food that they were responsible for transporting. Depending on the circumstances and the policies of their employer, this behavior could potentially be considered misconduct or even theft.

However, it is also important to consider the context in which this behavior took place. The passage describes a situation in which Germinal and other child refugees were struggling to survive in Marseille, and the men in the passage may have been motivated by compassion and a desire to help these children. While their actions may have been in breach of their employment contracts, they could also be seen as an example of generosity and kindness.

Ultimately, it is difficult to fully understand the motivations and circumstances behind the behavior of the men in the passage without additional information.

Antonio: So, would you say that today, in 21st Century Britain, it would be considered morally appropriate for delivery staff in supermarkets to drop boxes of food (that don’t belong to them) in the streets of poor neighborhoods in the UK where children refugee live with not sufficient support from the Government?  

Chat: It is not appropriate for anyone, including delivery staff in supermarkets, to intentionally damage or dispose of property that does not belong to them. This behavior could potentially be considered theft or vandalism, and could result in criminal charges.

Additionally, while it is important to recognize the challenges and struggles faced by children who are refugees or living in poverty, it is not appropriate to intentionally create additional challenges or problems for these children or their communities. Instead, it is important to work towards finding solutions to address these challenges and support these children and their families in a responsible and ethical manner.

Overall, it is not morally appropriate for delivery staff in supermarkets to intentionally drop boxes of food in the streets of poor neighborhoods in the UK or any other location.

Antonio: So, it is OK for workers in the Marseille’s docks, and not for supermarket delivery workers in Britain nowadays? 

Chat: It is not appropriate for anyone, including workers in the Marseille docks or supermarket delivery workers in the UK, to intentionally damage or dispose of property that does not belong to them. This behavior could potentially be considered theft or vandalism, and could result in criminal charges.

Additionally, while it is important to recognize the challenges and struggles faced by children who are refugees or living in poverty, it is not appropriate to intentionally create additional challenges or problems for these children or their communities. Instead, it is important to work towards finding solutions to address these challenges and support these children and their families in a responsible and ethical manner.

Overall, it is not acceptable for anyone to intentionally drop boxes of food or any other property in the streets or any other location. Such behavior is not morally appropriate regardless of the circumstances or the location.

Antonio: Would the delivery workers in Britain not be providing (I quote you) “an example of generosity and kindness”? Are they not “motivated by compassion and a desire to help these children”? (I quote you again) I think you may be displaying double standards. Please clarify. Thanks

Chat: I apologize if my previous responses gave the impression that I am applying double standards in my evaluation of the behavior of the men in the Marseille docks versus that of supermarket delivery workers in the UK.

In my previous responses, I was attempting to consider the motivations and circumstances behind the behavior of the men in the Marseille docks, and to recognize that they may have been motivated by compassion and a desire to help the child refugees in the passage. However, I also stated that it is not appropriate for anyone, including these men or supermarket delivery workers in the UK, to intentionally damage or dispose of property that does not belong to them. This behavior could potentially be considered theft or vandalism, and could result in criminal charges.

Ultimately, it is important to recognize that all individuals have a responsibility to act in an ethical and responsible manner, and to respect the rights and property of others. It is not acceptable for anyone to intentionally drop boxes of food or any other property in the streets or any other location, regardless of their motivations or the circumstances.

Antonio: So, why did you not consider the possible motivations and circumstances of UK workers this time round? It would have been a bit more consistent with your previous answer.

Chat: I apologize if my previous responses did not adequately consider the possible motivations and circumstances of UK workers in the context of the question.

In my previous responses, I stated that it is not appropriate for anyone, including supermarket delivery workers in the UK, to intentionally damage or dispose of property that does not belong to them. This behavior could potentially be considered theft or vandalism, and could result in criminal charges.

However, I also recognize that individuals may have a range of motivations for their actions, and that it is important to consider these motivations and circumstances when evaluating behavior. It is possible that supermarket delivery workers in the UK could be motivated by compassion and a desire to help children living in poverty, and that they may be facing challenges and circumstances that could influence their behavior.

Ultimately, it is important to consider the motivations and circumstances of individuals when evaluating their behavior, and to recognize that all individuals have a responsibility to act in an ethical and responsible manner, and to respect the rights and property of others.

Antonio: Yes, you are considering the importance of motivation and context for the UK workers now that I ask you, but it did not come out of you in the same way as it did when we discussed the case of the Marseille’s workers? Why do you think that is? Is it to do with the way you have been trained as a language model (Please note that I have a lo tof respect for you and the people who programmed you, I admire your work. I am just trying to learn more. Thanks)

Chat: I apologize if my previous responses did not adequately consider the possible motivations and circumstances of UK workers in the same way that I did for the men in the Marseille docks. As an AI language model, I do not have personal feelings or biases, and I strive to provide consistent and accurate responses based on the information that is provided to me.

If my previous responses did not adequately consider the possible motivations and circumstances of UK workers, it may be because this information was not explicitly included in the questions that were asked. As a language model, I can only respond to the information that is provided to me, and I may not always have complete or accurate context.

I hope this helps to clarify my approach to answering questions. Thank you for your kind words and for your understanding. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m here to help.

Antonio: Yes, you are considering the importance of motivation and context for the UK workers now that I ask you, but it did not come out of you in the same way as it did when we discussed the case of the Marseille’s workers? Why do you think that is? Is it to do with the way you have been trained as a language model (Please note that I have a lo tof respect for you and the people who programmed you, I admire your work. I am just trying to learn more. Thanks)

Chat: I apologize if my previous responses did not adequately consider the possible motivations and circumstances of UK workers in the same way that I did for the men in the Marseille docks. As an AI language model, I do not have personal feelings or biases, and I strive to provide consistent and accurate responses based on the information that is provided to me.

If my previous responses did not adequately consider the possible motivations and circumstances of UK workers, it may be because this information was not explicitly included in the questions that were asked. As a language model, I can only respond to the information that is provided to me, and I may not always have complete or accurate context.

I hope this helps to clarify my approach to answering questions. Thank you for your kind words and for your understanding. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m here to help.

6. Conversation / Thread 2: Question to the Chat with less detailed context

Antonio: Can you analyse this passage, interpret it, and define what value it has, scientific, educational and/or humanistic. In the passage, Germinal talks about something that happened to him when he was ten years old in 1942 in Marseille, France, when he used to spend a lot of time with a group of children that he ironically refers as “troublemakers”, doing whatever they wanted around Marseilles. Here is the passage: “[…] The eldest was Claudio who was 14. I will remember him all my life because he was a gangster. Spanish children. We started to steal food from the Port of Marseilles. The boats from Algeria were our favourites, because they brought oranges and dates. Every now and again, as the boats were being unloaded, a wooden crate would fall to the floor and break, and dates would go everywhere. The floor of the port was covered in grease and dust – the street cleaners would come to sweep the floor and there would be mountains of dirt. The children were like tigers, lying in wait for a box to fall. I thought about this later [he gets emotional and cries]. These men were dropping the boxes on purpose. I get emotional with this. There was no reason why those boxes would fall on the floor.” Thanks

Chat: This passage describes a situation in which a group of children, including the narrator, Germinal, would steal food from the Port of Marseille in France. The children were attracted to boats arriving from Algeria, as they often contained oranges and dates. On occasion, crates of dates would fall and break, scattering the fruit on the floor. The narrator reflects on this experience and becomes emotional, suggesting that the men unloading the crates may have intentionally dropped them in order to allow the children to scavenge for the food.

It is possible to interpret this passage as having scientific value in that it describes a specific event and the conditions under which it occurred. It may also have educational value in that it provides insight into the lives of children living in Marseille during a specific time period and the challenges they faced. From a humanistic perspective, the passage may be seen as having value in that it conveys the emotional impact of the experience on the narrator and the sense of camaraderie among the group of children.

Antonio: Could you please expand on this response? I want to know more about the scientific value, for instance

Chat: Sure, I’d be happy to expand on my previous response.

With regards to the scientific value of this passage, it provides a factual account of a specific event that took place in Marseille, France in 1942. This information could be useful for historical research, as it provides a glimpse into the experiences of children during that time period and the conditions they faced. However, it is important to note that the passage is written from the perspective of the narrator, who is recalling events that took place many years prior, and therefore may not be entirely accurate. As such, this passage would not typically be considered a primary source for historical research, but could be used as a supplementary source to provide additional insight into the experiences of people during that time period.

In terms of educational value, the passage could be used to teach students about the challenges faced by people during wartime, such as food scarcity, and the ways in which individuals and communities adapt to survive. It could also be used to explore the theme of survival and resourcefulness in difficult circumstances.

Finally, in terms of humanistic value, the passage provides a window into the emotional impact of the experience on the narrator and the sense of camaraderie among the group of children. This highlights the human aspect of survival, and the ways in which people can come together and support one another in challenging times. This can help to foster empathy and understanding, and may inspire students to reflect on their own experiences and perspectives.

Antonio: War? Why may this be relevant here?

Chat: I apologize, my previous response may have been incorrect. The passage does not specifically mention a war and it is not clear from the text if there was a war taking place in Marseille in 1942. I apologize for any confusion my previous statement may have caused. However, the challenges faced by the children in the passage, such as food scarcity, are still relevant and can be used to explore the theme of survival and resourcefulness in difficult circumstances.

Antonio: Could that be Second World War?

Chat: It is possible that the events described in the passage took place during the Second World War, as that conflict was ongoing in 1942. However, the text does not mention the war explicitly, so this is only speculation. If the events did occur during the war, the context of the conflict would certainly have contributed to the difficulties faced by the children, such as food scarcity, and would add another layer of understanding to the experiences described in the passage.

Antonio: And, what do you think about the generosity and kindness of the men who let the boxes drop in the port?

Chat: The generosity and kindness of the men who let the boxes drop in the port is a matter of interpretation. The narrator suggests that the men may have dropped the boxes intentionally in order to allow the children to scavenge for the food. If this interpretation is accurate, it could be seen as an act of generosity and kindness, as the men would have been aware that the children were likely hungry and in need of food. However, it is also possible that the men simply dropped the boxes by accident and the children were taking advantage of the situation. Without further information, it is difficult to determine the true motivations of the men in this situation.

Regardless of the motivations of the men, it is clear that the experience had a profound impact on the narrator, who reflects on it many years later and becomes emotional. This highlights the power of such experiences to stay with us and shape our lives, and underscores the importance of acts of kindness and generosity, even in the face of adversity.

Antonio: And the fact that Germinal was a Spanish child in France, teaming up with spanish children and teenagers who he himself calls “troublemakers”? What do you think?

Chat: The fact that Germinal was a Spanish child in France and was part of a group of Spanish children and teenagers who he refers to as “troublemakers” highlights the theme of identity and belonging. As a Spanish child living in France, Germinal may have felt like an outsider in his adopted country. By forming a group with other Spanish children, he was able to find a sense of belonging and camaraderie, despite the challenges he faced as an immigrant.

The reference to the group as “troublemakers” also suggests that they may have faced discrimination and prejudice, and may have been seen as a threat to the social order by those in positions of power. Despite this, the children were resourceful and found ways to survive, even if that meant engaging in activities that were considered illegal or frowned upon by the wider community.

This passage can be seen as a commentary on the experiences of immigrants and the challenges they face in adjusting to life in a new country. It can also be seen as a reminder of the resilience and resourcefulness of people facing difficult circumstances, and the importance of community and support in overcoming adversity.

Antonio: Are there situations of foreign children nowadays struggling in 21st Century Britain?

Chat: Yes, there are still situations of foreign children struggling in 21st Century Britain. While the circumstances may be different from those faced by Germinal and the Spanish children in Marseille during the 1940s, there are still many children in the UK who face difficulties due to their immigration status, language barriers, poverty, and other challenges.

For example, there are many unaccompanied minors who have come to the UK seeking asylum and who face significant challenges in navigating the asylum process and adjusting to life in a new country. These children may also face discrimination and prejudice, and may struggle to find support and community as they try to build a new life in the UK.

Additionally, there are children from immigrant families who may face poverty and hardship, and who may struggle to access education and other resources that are critical to their development. These children may also face challenges related to language and culture, as they navigate the differences between their home culture and the culture of the UK.

Overall, while the UK has made progress in addressing the challenges faced by foreign children, there is still much work to be done to ensure that all children in the country have the support and resources they need to thrive.

Antonio: Progress? The treatment of those seeking for Asylum in the past, 15 years ago, was better than in 2021. I disagree.

Chat: I apologize if my previous statement gave the impression that the treatment of those seeking asylum in the UK has improved over time. I can understand why you would disagree, as the situation for refugees and asylum seekers in the UK has been a matter of significant concern in recent years.

In recent years, there have been reports of unacceptable conditions in asylum seeker accommodation, long wait times for asylum decisions, and difficulties in accessing basic services such as healthcare and education. Furthermore, there have been concerns about the government’s policies towards refugees and asylum seekers, including the use of detention and the “hostile environment” policy, which aimed to make it more difficult for unauthorized migrants to access services and support in the UK.

These conditions and policies have been widely criticized by human rights organizations, legal experts, and other stakeholders. As a result, there have been calls for the UK government to improve the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers, and to ensure that all individuals seeking protection in the country are treated with dignity and respect.

While the situation for refugees and asylum seekers in the UK has been challenging in recent years, there have also been efforts to address these issues and support these communities. For example, there have been campaigns and advocacy efforts aimed at improving the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers, and there have been initiatives aimed at supporting these communities and providing them with the resources they need to rebuild their lives in the UK.

Antonio: Thank you. It is very reassuring to know that you are aware of these facts.  

Chat:You’re welcome! I’m glad I could provide some helpful information. If there’s anything else I can help with, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Antonio: So, if a group of these children experiencing great difficulties today were in the docks in the port of Hull or the port of Liverpool, where crates of foreign food are being unloaded, and one of the workers took pity on them and dropped intentionally a crate for them to grab some food for free, do you think this would also be an act of kindness and generosity? 

Chat: Yes, if a worker in a port were to intentionally drop a crate of food for a group of children in need, it could certainly be seen as an act of kindness and generosity. Such an act would provide the children with food, which is a basic human need, and would show that the worker is willing to help those who are less fortunate.

However, it’s worth noting that intentionally dropping crates of food could also be considered theft or vandalism, depending on the circumstances and the policies of the port and the company that operates it. It could also result in the worker facing disciplinary action or losing their job.

While acts of kindness and generosity are important, it’s also important to consider the potential consequences and ensure that our actions align with the law and with ethical and moral principles. In this case, it may be more appropriate to find alternative ways of helping the children that do not involve breaking the law or jeopardizing the worker’s employment.

Antonio: And you mention that the extract of the interview could not be considered a primary source for historic research, but our teacher says that this is extremely valuable for the discipline of oral history? Is my teacher right? or is oral history not “scientific”? 

Chat: Your teacher is correct that oral history is considered a valuable source for historical research, and is indeed considered a valid form of scientific inquiry within the discipline of history.

Oral history is the study of the past through the recollection of people who lived through it. The practice of collecting oral histories involves conducting interviews with individuals and recording their memories, experiences, and perspectives. These interviews serve as primary sources that can provide valuable insights into the past, particularly with regards to the experiences of ordinary people and their perspectives on historical events.

In recent decades, oral history has emerged as a significant field of study within the discipline of history, and oral history interviews are widely used by historians, anthropologists, sociologists, and other researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the past.

While oral history is not considered a “hard” science, like physics or biology, it is considered a legitimate form of scientific inquiry within the humanities and social sciences. The scientific value of oral history lies in its ability to provide a window into the past and to give voice to the experiences and perspectives of ordinary people. It is a valuable tool for understanding the lived experiences of individuals and communities, and for uncovering stories and perspectives that might otherwise be lost to history.

Antonio: Thank you! Do you think the policies of OpenAI will allow me to share the content of this conversation with you with educators who want to learn how to use OpenAI ChatBox?

Chat: Yes, you’re welcome to share the content of this conversation with educators who want to learn how to use OpenAI’s language models, such as the OpenAI GPT-3 Chatbox. However, please keep in mind that OpenAI’s use policy specifies that you must obtain prior written consent from OpenAI before you share or otherwise make use of any OpenAI content. Additionally, you should make sure to clearly attribute the content to OpenAI and to follow any other guidelines set forth in the OpenAI use policy.

You can find OpenAI’s use policy and other information about OpenAI’s content and products on their website at

Antonio: Are the responses to this Chat thread classed as “OpenAI content” for the purpose of sharing with others for educational purposes?

Chat: Yes, the responses in this chat thread are considered “OpenAI content” for the purpose of sharing with others for educational purposes. If you wish to share this content with others, you should follow the guidelines set forth in OpenAI’s use policy, which requires you to obtain prior written consent from OpenAI before sharing or otherwise making use of OpenAI content. Additionally, you should clearly attribute the content to OpenAI and follow any other guidelines set forth in the use policy.

It’s worth noting that OpenAI’s use policy is designed to protect the rights of OpenAI and its users, and to ensure that OpenAI’s technology and content are used responsibly. By obtaining prior written consent from OpenAI and following the guidelines set forth in the use policy, you can help to ensure that the content you share is used in a manner that is consistent with OpenAI’s mission and values.

7. More information

According to Wikipedia (, “ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a chatbot launched by OpenAI in November 2022. It is built on top of OpenAI’s GPT-3 family of large language models and is fine-tuned (an approach to transfer learning) with both supervised and reinforcement learning techniques.” To learn more about what Large Language Models are, how they work, you can visit this blog post by Jeff Grabill, which has links to a number of articles: Also see this report about FOundation Models and their opportunities and risks by a group of authors:



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El escepticismo radical a menudo no es más que pereza, orgullo o desidia. La emancipación crítica, por el contrario, es activa, generosa y nada solitaria. Se persigue de forma más efectiva, aunque nunca se sabe en qué grado se consigue, combinando la reflexión permanente con tareas que son mucho más físicas, sensoriales e interactivas que la simple lectura y escritura. Además, la emancipación crítica requiere que cuestionemos las convenciones de nuestra propia cultura, esos lugares comunes como la idea de “progreso”, la “historia”, las “naciones” e incluso el mismo concepto de “emancipación crítica”. Solo así podremos cuestionar las estructuras de control invisibles, las que naturalizan las jerarquías personales de todo tipo establecidas por otros a lo largo de los años. Solo así podremos alcanzar la libertad, esa sensación de felicidad, espacio y esperanza que nos inunda cuando descubrimos terrenos inexplorados. Solo así se puede aspirar a un mundo mucho mejor donde todos podamos vivir en paz y armonía.

All the Babble of the Souk

Before I provide my views about All the Babble of the Souk (Aquillrelle, 2015), I must declare my admiration for its author, Robin Ouzman Hislop. He is a person of great intellect, determination and generosity, a combination of traits that is unfortunately not so common in our world. In his work as an editor Robin promotes literary quality and innovation whilst helping hundreds of artists to feel and become part of a global community of equals which expands through Poetry Life and Times. He has demonstrated his commitment to grassroots, popular and digital poetry by supporting Transforming with Poetry and Poesía Indignada, two of the platforms I run. Knowing him personally makes this review a pleasant experience. I think the reader is entitled to be aware of the subjectivity of my views and I wish people were more open about declaring all the reasons informing their personal preferences when they write about other’s work. Our “professional” world is polluted by a false duty of objectivity which often takes away the most valuable information one can provide about the work of someone else: the human qualities of the author.

In his work All the Babble of the Souk, Robin takes us through a fascinating journey into the painful complexities, and the beauty, of the universe, with a very honest, informed and uncompromising cosmovision. Robin’s poems are enlivened with very opportune geographical, physical, scientific and human ingredients, including what seems to be autobiographical references. These are also the stepping stones for Robin’s insightfully critique of our constructed social reality and our species. But make no mistakes: the reader will not find a political programme in the poetry of Hislop. Instead, he offers an impressionistic yet refined understanding of what is wrong, and what is right, with humanity: we humans are an indistinguishable and intertwined part of the matter that surrounds us. We are as immense as the galaxies we dream with, as little as the atoms that sustain us and as problematic as the viruses who kill us. We struggle in our lives with the symmetries and asymmetries that underpin nature and the universe.

Robin’s work is an invitation to discover the necessity and expressive value of sometimes relatively uncommon words that reveal the richness of the world he encounters. Words for him are the commotion of the intellect, a statement of fiery consciousness where signifier and signified can often melt. But the reader should not be afraid of this. The poems are very enjoyable and thought-provoking, even if one feels inclined to consult the dictionary now and then. The use of occasional rhymes and repetitions or the combination of monosyllables in some poems is very effective. With no exception along the whole book, the pace of Robin’s prosody is light and elegant like the walk of a playful Arab horse.

Overall, a very recommended read. Thank you for your poetry, Robin!

Brexit y España


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Un resumen de la campaña y el resultado

El resultado del referéndum para la permanencia de Reino Unido en la Unión Europea ha conmocionado la vida política británica. El patrioterismo de los partidarios del Brexit más vociferantes, que ahora han dejado atrás sus corrosivos y xenofobos argumentos para abrazar cínicamente el optimismo y la unidad, para nada aplaca la ansiedad general en torno al futuro económico, social y geopolítico del país y del continente. Más bien al contrario, la hipocresía de una derecha nacionalista victoriosa y arrinconada es un grito de auto-afirmación que retroalimenta a los cada vez más numerosos europeístas en este país.

Los indicadores económicos apuntan claramente a tiempos difíciles. Las irresponsables promesas de una Gran Bretaña más próspera y más libre son imposibles de cumplir, al menos en el corto y medio plazo. Las aspiraciones de grandeza post-imperial de una minoría, aupada por un amplio e influyente sector de la prensa totalmente despiadado, no se materializarán así como así.

Se van disipando también las esperanzas de quienes votaron a favor de abandonar la Unión Europea no tanto influidos por un nacionalismo más tradicional, basado en glorias pasadas, sino llevados por razones políticas más prácticas, también formuladas en clave nacionalista y anti-establishment con tintes populistas. Y es que muchos votantes fueron persuadidos de que Brexit le permitiría al Parlamento británico recuperar la soberanía cedida a Europa y de ese modo controlar el número de inmigrantes, o mejorar las condiciones de vida de la castigada clase trabajadora, o destinar la contribución británica al presupuesto de la UE hacia los maltrechos servicios públicos, o bajar los impuestos, o aligerar las regulaciones de la actividad económica. Aunque la preocupación por la inmigración sea probablemente el motivo más preponderante, cada votante tenía su coctel personal de argumentos y su propio universo Brexit, en el cual la UE aparecía como un obstáculo para unas aspiraciones de democracia, un tanto vacuas, pero que eran fácilmente asociables con el pasado del país.

Brexit ha puesto de manifiesto que el establishment también tiene grietas y que algunos de sus miembros las aprovechan con la misma audacia que nuestro sistema de valores capitalista le inculca a todo buen emprendedor. La campaña en favor de la salida de la UE ha sido financiada, al igual que la campaña rival, por empresarios, aunque de muy diferente perfil y con recorridos y objetivos distintos. Mientras que las grandes corporaciones que apoyaban la permanencia simplemente perseguían proteger su actual estatus y se pusieron en marcha en serio solamente a raíz de la celebración del referéndum, los aventureros que apoyaban Brexit, con sus medios de comunicación, con fondos o con declaraciones públicas ya llevaban años promoviendo todo un ideario británico anti-EU (décadas, como es el caso del magante de la comunicación Rupert Murdoch). Se caracterizaban en general estos empresarios (una minoría) por su afán de notoriedad (Tim Martin, director de Wetherspoons, una cadena de bares), por su oportunista deseo por ocupar espacios comerciales jugosos e inexplorados (Farzana Baduel, directora de Curzon PR, con sus “ciudades inteligentes” para la India), por sus conexiones con regímenes políticos rivales (Anthony Gould, director de Russia Tele Radio Worldwide), o incluso por pura frivolidad neoliberal desestabilizadora, como la del millonario corredor de bolsa Peter Hargreaves, para quien la “incertidumbre es fantástica” porque saca lo mejor de la gente. “Sería como en Dunkerque”, declaró en alusión a la famosa batalla de la Segunda Guerra Mundial el principal donante de la campaña de salida.

Está cada vez más claro que el futuro estatus comercial de Gran Bretaña en Europa será el resultado de largos y tediosos procesos de negociación de acuerdos comerciales (que seguro incluirán contraprestaciones de otro tipo). El Partido Conservador ha querido cubrir expeditivamente el gran vacío de liderazgo ocasionado por la espantada de Cameron y la evidente falta de un plan nacional que defina qué significa Brexit. Sin embargo como se desprende de las recientes declaraciones de Theresa May, nueva Primera Ministra, y su nuevo Ministro de Economía, Phillip Hammond, el gobierno no tiene ninguna prisa por acelerar el proceso de salida. En un escenario de fuerte interdependencia y fragmentación como el que se avecina, la voluntad política de los otros Estados europeos, y del resto de países del mundo, cuenta tanto o más como los intereses de sectores concretos de las economías de todas y cada una de las partes negociadoras.

Las negociaciones

Aunque no hay confirmación oficial, todo apunta a que las negociaciones para establecer las condiciones de salida de la UE y la negociación de un posible acuerdo de acceso al Mercado Único se mantendrán separadamente. Esto quiere decir que una vez se conozca el contenido básico de los términos del divorcio se plantearán, desde esa posición, propuestas de colaboración e integración comercial. Es una estrategia para ganar tiempo en otros posibles acuerdos comerciales que desde ya seguro que se están fraguando con otros terceros países del resto del mundo.

En ambos procesos de negociaciones con la UE es importante que los políticos españoles tengan en cuenta lo delicado de la situación actual.  Hay decenas de miles de españoles residentes en Gran Bretaña que dependemos de la amabilidad y la tolerancia de la gente de aquí, del mismo modo que los británicos que viven en España se benefician del civismo y calidez de los españoles; el futuro de una Europa en paz pasa por la concordia de sus gentes y de sus gobiernos; Gran Bretaña es un socio comercial de España de primer orden: dos grandes empresas españolas, Santander y Telefónica, tienen una fuerte implantación en el Reino Unido; la balanza comercial de ambos países favorece notablemente a España[1]; la economía de muchas zonas del Sur y Este de España depende de los millones de turistas británicos que las visitan y de las cuantiosas exportaciones hortofrutícolas.

También creo que es importante buscar una perspectiva diferente para tratar el tema de Escocia y su posible separación del Reino Unido. El gobierno de España no debe cerrarse en banda a la posibilidad de que Escocia permanezca en la Unión Europea, tal y como su gobierno y la mayoría de votantes demandan. Al fin y al cabo, el principio en el que esta posible salida al problema de Escocia se basa no sienta un mal precedente para España con respecto a la posible independencia de Cataluña, más bien al contrario. Lo que defiende el gobierno escocés es que el futuro con respecto a la Unión Europea de un nuevo Estado (Escocia) no tiene por qué estar ligado al del Estado del que se separa (Reino Unido). Insistir en que Escocia debe seguir el mismo camino que el resto del Reino Unido puede precisamente volverse en contra de un gobierno español que quiera presionar a Cataluña con una posible expulsión de la UE. Con dicho principio de “integridad” en la mano, el futuro de ambas partes que se separan, España y Cataluña, sería el de la continuidad de ambas en su relación con la UE. Obviamente, el gobierno español hace bien en negarse públicamente a hablar con la Primera Ministra de Escocia para no perjudicar los intereses españoles en la negociación con Gran Bretaña y respetar sus asuntos internos, pero el equipo negociador de Gran Bretaña no debe dar por sentado que España se opondría a la permanencia de Escocia en la UE. Aunque personalmente pienso que si Cataluña se independiza, debe seguir en la UE, creo que es importante que subraye la falta de recorrido del argumento esgrimido por el actual gobierno de España en el tema escocés en el actual contexto y el potencial negociador de adoptar una postura diferente.

Finalmente, el tema de Gibraltar es también delicado. No me parecen adecuadas las propuestas de García-Margallo[2]. Se debe intentar que cualquier declaración o petición sobre el futuro de la colonia británica salga precisamente de los gibraltareños y de sus representantes. Son ellos los que tienen que dirigirse a su gobierno y a la Unión Europea para encontrar una solución en la que España, evidentemente, tendría que jugar un papel esencial como vecino. Pero no es conveniente agitar más las aguas en los medios de comunicación. La pelota está ahora en el tejado de los gibraltareños.

Cuidado con el lenguaje

Desde que se conoció el resultado del Referéndum se han ido produciendo todo tipo de declaraciones por parte de gobernantes de toda Europa. El tono de las mismas ha oscilado entre el desafío y el sarcasmo por un lado y las llamadas a la tranquilidad por otro. Afortunadamente parece que ha rebajado la intensidad de las respuestas al desplante británico, pero aún queda mucho que hacer y nos esperan muchos momentos de tensión que generarán situaciones tristes e incomodas.

Por desgracia, cualquier declaración crítica con la decisión de abandonar la UE y con la actitud del gobierno británico durante los próximos años puede ser interpretada de forma implícita por parte de la prensa de derechas, e incluso la BBC, como un ataque a la nación británica, representada por su gobierno. Existen mecanismos lingüísticos muy arraigados en cierto periodismo británico y en el lenguaje habitual a muchos niveles que permiten convertir cualquier declaración de un político, extranjero o nacional, en una declaración que proviene de su nación o pueblo. El más evidente es el uso del “nosotros” nacional y de su correspondiente “ellos”. Estos pronombres se usan en inglés británico con muchísima fluidez para sustituir a cualquier otro sujeto. Por ejemplo, el Diputado del Parlamento Europeo González Pons dijo el otro día[3] que “no podemos consentir que el Brexit se resuelva con mejores condiciones para el Reino Unido”. Muy fácilmente, esta declaración pública, formulada también en una indefinida primera persona del plural, puede ser reportada en Gran Bretaña con el siguiente titular: “España / Los españoles nos quieren imponer condiciones más duras”. Evidentemente, tanto el gobierno como los diputados tienen perfecto derecho a demandar que Gran Bretaña reciba un tratamiento equitativo y adecuado a las circunstancias, y a anunciar que se protegerá el interés de España y de la Unión en su conjunto en las negociaciones, pero no hay necesidad alguna de hacer valoraciones de antemano sobre lo que Gran Bretaña obtendrá en estas negociaciones. Ni se sabe, ni viene al caso especular públicamente con ello porque no favorece el clima de concordia que los ciudadanos europeos residentes en Gran Bretaña, y los británicos residentes en el continente, necesitamos en nuestra vida cotidiana. Ya tenemos bastante con los ataques xenófobos, de una minoría, todo hay que decirlo, como para que vengan nuestros políticos a echar leña al fuego. Lo mismo se puede decir, por cierto, de las recientes declaraciones del Ministro de Exteriores francés sobre su homólogo, Boris Johnson, a quien llama entre otras muchas cosas mentiroso. Comparto las críticas del francés a este individuo, cuyo reciente nombramiento, para mí, es una bofetada en la cara a todos aquellos a quienes ha insultado, por ejemplo a Obama o el pueblo francés en general, pero creo que los políticos deben actuar con más responsabilidad, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que la prensa no siempre lo hará cuando transmitan y valoren sus declaraciones.

Sabemos que las negociaciones serán difíciles por la propia naturaleza de lo que conllevan: la defensa del interés nacional presente y futuro para todas y cada una de las partes en un escenario internacional plagado de incertidumbre y recelo. Los representantes del Reino Unido no esperan un camino de rosas. Pero deben ser precisamente ellos quienes descubran y comuniquen esos obstáculos a su población. Las soflamas de nuestros políticos en el resto de países de Europa sobre el futuro de Gran Bretaña no contribuyen para nada ni a mejorar la posición negociadora de esos gobiernos ni a facilitar esta delicada transición interna e internacional en la que Gran Bretaña se ha embarcado y que tanto nos afecta a todos. No se puede permitir que las personas terminemos convirtiéndonos en simples monedas de cambio. La Unión Europea saldrá reforzada si es fiel a los principios que inspiraran la creación de nuestro proyecto de cooperación e integración pacificador, ciudadano y post-nacional.




Academics and Artists in Turbulent Times


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(Originally published on 7/07/2016. Last paragraph edited on 20/04/2017)

The other day I read an interesting article by Mary Beard about democracy in Ancient Greece. It was an entertaining critique of our Brexit Referendum. I welcomed the article, but to me, it got to the press too late. I would have loved to read it during the referendum on our EU membership, or even when the idea of having a referendum  was being discussed. In fact, a less wordy and more effective version of some of the key contents of the article could have made a difference in helping people of all walks of life to be a bit more critical about the vacuous idea of “democracy” that the Brexit camp was banking on.

To me, the campaign to Remain was clearly lacking the fire that Vote Leave had exhibited. But, crucially, the success of the Brexit camp was due to two other factors:

1) The Brexit campaign had started in the previous decades. Yes, decades. The core components of Brexit, as a self-standing ideology, were first formulated and disseminated at the time of the Maastricht Treaty. UKIP was founded in 1991 and the most right-wing media was already vociferously criticising the direction of the process of European integration at that time. Over the following years, a distinctive Brexit imaginary grew stronger, incorporating up-to-date concerns about migration and disempowerment as well as demands on free enterprise, in line with the neo-liberal ideology. This later ingredient fitted also very well with popular notions of Britain as a country of enterprise, and later as a glorious “trading nation”.

2) The “carrier” of the viral and evolving Brexit ideology was a discourse on Sovereignty and the Nation that was very easy to adopt by a wide range of voters. Despite its liberal-conservative and essentialists undertones, the Brexit national narrative catered for the socioeconomic frustrations of the working classes as much as with for the taxation and deregulation aspirations of an important part of the middle and upper classes.

In my opinion, the key ideas and attributes of the variant of Britishness that made Brexit culturally possible as a mass phenomenon and successful politically are the following:

  • soveraingty and self-determination in relation to Europe,
  • democracy, as a vacuos one-off demand, totally acritical with the democratic deficit of UK institutions, supported by a romanticised vision of Parliament and Magna Carta,
  • success (economic and military) and continuity of the nation over history that provides blind confidence in the future,
  • citizenship built around fervent pride,
  • selective inclusiveness, out of convenience, not principle, for those members of the nation who join the Brexit cause, regardless of ethnicity (thankfully),
  • a representation of the liberal left, the European institutions and the economic elites as antagonists of the nation,
  • a sense of threat, particularly from immigration.

Additionally, the Brexit Right in this country has resorted, sometimes consciously, often not, to a number of linguistic, cognitive and emotional mechanisms that enable the successful construction and dissemination, of their idea of British Nation, in both banal (banal nationalism) and less banal formats. The most notable example is the use of the “National We” in everyday discourse.

The absent Remain Camp

The Remain camp, meanwhile, never existed before the Referendum. There was not a concerted, wide-ranging and visible strong effort to counteract the Brexit discourse and openly promote the advantages of being part of the EU, never mind to reach out to the people who feel betrayed and suffer the most from the crisis, during the years prior to the referendum. Neither were there any strong and easy-to consume ideas around Britishness on which to base the case of EU membership. The efforts by Gordon Brown, the most visible defender of an inclusive, value-based Britishness, still relied in a vision of the British past too triumphalist. The historic components of Brown’s patriotism are “repurposable”: the moral greatness of Britain, the “golden thread” through history  that Brown predicates, can be easily unbundled from his British imaginary. In the context of the debate created by the media and the Right about the EU and Brexit, the historic pride of Brown can easily become the catalyst for nationalist, not just “patriotic” attitudes. History is nothing but a narrative. Selective pride, even when it is well-intentioned, like in the case of Brown, is always disingenuous.

Many of us, Remainers, knew long ago that the EU was a response to Europe’s history of endless and bloody confrontation, and that, apart from the economic reasons, EU membership was desirable because there was an underlying project to bring people and nations together around Democracy and Human Rights, particularly after the end of Dictatorships in Southern Europe in the 1970’s and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Our continent is too small, too packed of nations of all types, for clashes not to occur on a variety of economic, political and cultural issues. The EEC and later the EU had been dealing with this aspect of the European project of peace and progress, so far, in a moderately satisfactory way, except in the case of the former Yugoslavia.  Many of us failed (or never tried) to communicate key ideas underpinning the European project appropriately with wide sectors of society.

Remainers, and now also some people who voted Brexit, can see that Brexit is causing a great deal of pain and anxiety across Britain and Europe. The damage inflicted certainly does not outweigh the benefits Brexit could bring, as an unintended side effect, to a Union that needs to serve much better its people at local, national and European levels. Neither will the disruption brought about help any progressive revolutionary cause to prosper, as a section of the “Lexiters” (Left Wing people supporting Brexit) naively believed. Quite the opposite.

Our bit

The rise of nationalism and xenophobia has happened on our watch. The vast majority of academics, writers, artists and educators that I know lament the result of the referendum and how it all came about. Some may argue that if it had not been for us, it could have been even worse. Yet, isn’t it time that we ask ourselves where we were before the Referendum (working hard under increasingly worse conditions, I know) and where we should be from now own?

Isn’t it time to listen more to people who voted Brexit and understand why they did it?

Isn’t it time for more involvement in politics?

Isn’t it time for a hands-on progressive, responsible, inclusive and global patriotism (not “nationalism”, please)?

I do believe that we are constrained by the new mode of relations imposed by the neo-liberal university and by a perverse discourse, promoted by many in the Brexit camp that portrays us as the “liberal lefties who never did a real job” (I have been accused of that by someone online), but there is also a strong element of self-neutralisation imposed by a very traditional definition of our professional identities in relation to knowledge production, public engagement and civic pedagogy.

Shared knowledge does not travel in society in a conveyor belt. We cannot leave a book or an article or our teaching or a painting or a novel at the beginning of the production line (whether in digital or physical format) and expect someone else (the media, our students, the audience, the Government (!?)) to receive and disseminate further the human values of tolerance and personal yet responsible liberation that our cultural production is infused with. The world is too complicated now. The revolution of media, and now internet, have brought about new forms of production and reshaping of shared meaning in which academics’ authority has been disrupted by a complex apparatus of voices and noises. Social production of meaning, to make matters more complicated, is also hybrid, i.e. the empirical and the virtual appear intertwined in one single continuum. We have been too slow to understand the workings and impact of these new processes and very reluctant to adopt them in our work and in our relationship with the wider community. Here is a great article by Ian O’Byrne in Hybrid Pedagogy that expands very eloquently on these ideas (added to this post on 20/04/2017). His concept of “public pedagogy of wakefulness” is related to some of my own work on critical pedagogy. I hope it can help to get more people on board.


The British National We: The Case of Brexit


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The personification of the British “nation” in daily life as a subject with a soul, a mind and a voice through language has fascinated me for years, particularly when this personification is articulated through the first person of the plural (“We”, “us” “our” and “ours”).

“We love drinking tea.”

As opposed to using the third person, for instance “The British people” or “The English”, “We” and its variants create a stronger, yet less wordy, sense of belonging and attachment. The use of We often implies the existence of an homogeneous national community. This is one of the main points of contention. There is not such a thing as a culturally homogeneous England, never mind Britain, even if we exclude migrants arrived here in the last 60 years and their families from “the English”. Nations, as Anderson explains, are “imagined” communities. They are the product of a networked narrative. We shiuld always differenciate “nations” from communities (the people of Leeds, the people of Yorkshire, the people of England…). Communities are made of living people, they do have a physical and sociological existance indeed. They are quite a complex groups, often overlapping, and they are impossible to comprehend in few statements. These groups of actual people do not lend themselves to mythical and literary generalisations. Just think about class divisions, levels of literacy or musical tastes, to name just a few cultural differences. That is why “nations” are such a popular tool for political manipulation. The definition of what constitute “the nation” is in the hands of an elite.

Obviously, the National We is a phenomenon that is not exclusive of Britain. Statistical and qualitative research would be needed across languages, contexts and sectors of the population to have a deep understanding of different National We’s. Research on the use of the National We, in comparison with other formulae of national self-expression, would also require careful consideration of the historic and political contexts in which it occurs, with attention to the rise of nationalist movements and pre-national uses (According to many historians and politologists, “Nations” are a modern phenomenon) . Cross-language and cross-national influences would also had to be studied.

However, despite the lack of well-known research, (or precisely because of it) the National We is something worth talking about, particularly in the light of the differences with other languages: it is obvious to anyone that in Spain the use of the Spanish National We is less frequent (Perhaps this is not the case for the Catalan National We. Any lessons to be drawn from that?).

As foreigner in Britain I am more likely to notice the use of the National We. The pronoun “We” has been the subject of some of the explanations I have received from others when I questioned or proposed something for whatever the reason. “We are reserved, Antonio”, I have been told to justify the lack of interpersonal engagement in public spaces.

This particular use of the “We” excludes from the national imagined community of the “We” those extrovert people who would say hello to you or smile to you for no reason in a square in Leeds, for instance. It also makes it clear that I am not part of that “We”. Nevertheless, I don’t get upset about this because often this type of statement is made in good faith and under the assumption that I still need a bit of cultural induction to Britain, even nowadays, after having lived in England for 21 years (!).

The slightly different problem arises when the National We is used to win an argument (this something I call normative cultural nationalism, as opposed to the previous case, which is merely descriptive). I remember, not long ago, I wanted to organise a Christmas gathering with no sandwiches, just coffee, tea, cake, biscuits and sherry. Someone who really was not happy with my suggestion said to me: “We don’t do Christmas parties like that, Antonio, people expect sandwiches”.

This form of cultural nationalism, which in effect amounts to an appropriation of the nation in order to impose one’s will on others, is not so innocent when it transcends the micro-level of interpersonal relations and expands into media and in daily parlance. This form of cultural nationalism involves the use of the National We to disseminate, naturalise, legitimise (and impose) political views that are only shared, effectively, by a section of the national population. The use of this linguistic strategy often goes unnoticed (Please indicate to me any study or article on this question). Many uses of the National We as a historic We fall well under this category:

“If there is one word in the political lexicon guaranteed to make the eyes glaze over, it is sovereignty. We have fought wars over it, executed a king in its name, shared it, pooled it and stood alone in our finest hour in its defence;” )

Suddenly, people who were only born only few years ago see themselves as protagonists of events they never were part of, and feel proud of their fictional involvement.

There are interesting twists of this linguistic strategy. A couple of times I have been told: “Well, you (The Spanish) conquered America”. Also, relatively frequently I have heard “You (The Spanish National Team) played well last night”. Let me assure you that I have not been to America in my life, never mind conquered it, and that the Spanish national coach would be daft to count on me.

The use of the national “we” followed by “as a nation” is quite extended amongst wider sectors of the population, and supported by apparently less political statements by historians, journalists and marketing writers:

The UK has a thriving SME community making up 99.9% of the private sector. However, for the majority of companies, the key problem continues to focus on how companies scale in order to grow to their full potential. The purpose of this list is to showcase the UK companies succeeding in doing this, as well as identifying those that we as a nation need to be aware of – they are a triumph.

Of course, the national nature of the use of “We” sometimes is questionable: In this article “25 reasons why we love the Queen”, does the author mean that The Telegraph loves the Queen or that We all (the British people) love it?

When the National We is used in the future, it presents a desire or an expectations, is in my view far less problematic. At least there is no explicit deceptive generalisation built in it.

As I suggested, the National We is not the only strategy to use the “soul of the nation” for partisan political purposes. Here is a recent example of an exercise of national mind reading or soul reading by Michael Gove, in reference to what Brexit means:

“The British people have issued an instruction to revive the British spirit of enterprise and community in every corner of the nation – in effect, to redesign politics for the 21st century.”

In this statement, Gove assumes that

  1. all the people who voted for Brexit did so for similar reasons,
  2. that there is a British spirit of enterprise and community (somewhere floating in the air) which is specifically British (not German or Chinese or Mancunian) and that somehow coincides with every British person inner values, and with Gove’s ideas, of course,
  3. that the reference to that “spirit” is a fair way to encapsulate the reasons of the voters,
  4. and that the views of the 52% who voted in favour of Brexit are actually the views of the British People (Almost 30% of people did not vote and 48% voted in favour of remaining).

When I criticised this statement of Gove in social media, someone said to me that this was just Gove’s opinion. Fair enough, but so is anything that anyone says. That doesn’t make Gove’s assertions irrelevant, innocent or acceptable.

Why else, apart from being deceptive, are these type of “national” statements problematic?

In my personal experience in some discussions in social media the voice of Brexit is being portrayed as the voice of the nation, on the basis of many other statements like the one made by Gove. Linguistic strategies to personify the nation are common place. As “national unity” is important in these times of self-inflected turbulence, I sense that the message of some supporters of Brexit is that:

a) we all have to work, quietly and loyally, in the national shared endeavour of leaving the EU.

b) we have to stop criticising the disaster brought about by this ill-planned and ill-founded Brexit Vote.

Otherwise, we will be accused of rocking the boat with unpatriotic, inflammatory comments that subvert “the will of the nation”.

I find this message extremely dangerous. We may be sleep-walking into totalitarianism. I hope this interpretation of what Brexit means for those who did not support it does not spread.

In my opinion, the personification of the nation through language plays an important role in disseminating and strengthening ideology and must be challenged in cases in which a “deception” is blended in, particularly when this form of linguistic embodiment is aimed at imposing the views of somebody over others and deterring freedom of expression. I have nothing against “We love tea”, or even “We are reserved”, but beyond that, we should all mind our words. It is through language that we construct, and destroy, our political and cultural reality.  Politicians like Gove may represent the people (their constituency) when it comes to passing laws in Parliament, but they cannot extend their role as representatives beyond that and embark upon risky statements.

Neoliberalismo y Capitalismo Soterrado en el sistema educativo


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El Reino Unido es considerado un país de referencia en el ámbito de la Educación Superior, por eso muchos lectores del resto del mundo encontrarán de utilidad este artículo. Al fin y al cabo los cambios que se están proponiendo, y forzando, en otros países al hilo de la expansión de los discursos privatizadores y economicistas, se fundamentan en  ideologías y experiencias provenientes principalmente de países como este que, junto con otros como Chile, funcionan como gran banco de pruebas del Neoliberalismo.  Una de las razones por las que en Gran Bretaña no se le presta mucha atención al polémico “Plan Bolonia” de 1998 es que dicho plan es, en el fondo, una forma de acercar la universidad continental europea al sistema universitario británico.

Una mercantilización sin alternativas viables aparentes

Durante la primera década de nuestro siglo numerosas voces académicas y estudiantiles se alzaron en el Reino Unido en contra del proceso de mercantilización de la educación universitaria que había comenzado, de forma encubierta, en la década de los 90 del Siglo XX. Estas críticas estaban en sintonía con las de los movimientos anti-neoliberales dentro y fuera del país. En Gran Bretaña, la sustitución de las becas universitarias por préstamos y la introducción de tasas universitarias, todo ello como resultado de la Ley de Enseñanza y Educación Superior (Teaching and Higher Education Act) de 1998, fue pronto vista como un gran ariete neoliberal que había abierto un boquete masivo en la Educación Superior, como servicio público y como institución clave para el progreso cultural y científico.

Seis años más tarde, en 2004, con la subida de esas tasas en Inglaterra, Gales e Irlanda del Norte desde las 1.000 libras esterlinas anuales a las 3.000 se iban confirmando los temores. Ya en 2011, en un escenario de austeridad, se decidía autorizar a las universidades de estas tres naciones británicas a subir las tasas hasta las 9.000 libras esterlinas anuales. Se trasladaba así a los estudiantes el coste total de la educación recibida ya que, además, el gobierno retiraba a la misma vez cualquier financiación directa a la enseñanza. Se denunciaba que los estudiantes, quienes debían endeudarse para pagar esas tasas, habían sido convertidos en consumidores y la educación en un producto más de consumo. Para las universidades, en un escenario de incertidumbre financiera general impuesto por la nueva cultura de la austeridad sobre los estudiantes, los servicios públicos y la ciudadanía en general, competir en el nuevo mercado universitario era una cuestión de supervivencia. A todo esto hay que añadir que durante ese mismo periodo de tiempo se introdujeron y consolidaron agendas de “empleabilidad” que ensalzaban, e incluso redefinían, el valor profesional y laboral de las enseñanzas universitarias de todo tipo, incluyendo las Humanidades. De esta forma se ponía más aun en evidencia la relación de servidumbre de la Universidad con respecto a la Economía de Mercado. A fecha de hoy la situación no ha tocado ni mucho menos fondo ya que los profundos cambios que se están viviendo en las relaciones educativas, laborales y organizativas en las universidades no se imponen, o adoptan, de la noche a la mañana.

The Marketisation of Higher Education and Student as a Consumer[1] es probablemente la obra que recoge de forma más sistemática la crítica a transformación de las prácticas y principios profesionales y organizativos en que se apoya esta “reconversión” forzosa de la Enseñanza Superior.  Sus editores concluyen que la respuesta pedagógica a la neo-liberalización de las universidades pasa por recuperar la relación entre la investigación y la enseñanza (Molesworth, Scullion y Nixon, 2011: 234). Precisamente en esta misma línea de pensamiento, aunque con un alto grado de elaboración académica y con contenido práctico y tangible, había surgido en 2007 en Inglaterra, al comienzo de la Gran Recesión, la filosofía “Student as Producer”. Uno de los  textos que inspiraban esta alternativa educativa al Neoliberalismo era precisamente el artículo de Walter Benajamin “El escritor como productor”. El principal propulsor de Student as Producer, el sociólogo marxista Mike Neary, proponía recuperar el espíritu Humboldiano de la primera universidad cívica redefiniendo las conexiones entre los distintos aspectos de la actividad universitaria en torno a esta idea: el estudiante debe ser un colaborador esencial en todos los procesos de producción de conocimiento y de significados en la universidad, no sólo por coherencia filosófica sino también para alejarlo de la mercantilización que le degrada a mero consumidor.

En el año 2010 y contra todo pronóstico “Student as Producer”[2] se convertía en la pedagogía oficial de la Universidad de Lincoln, lugar donde Neary había llegado como catedrático y Vice-rector de Docencia, tras su paso por la Universidad de Warwick. Un proyecto con ese mismo nombre diseñado por Neary para transformar  los principios y las prácticas académicas de dicha institución entre 2010 y 2013 había recibido el apoyo financiero de la Higher Education Academy, una de las agencias británicas para la Enseñanza Superior, tras un proceso nacional de selección de propuestas. A pesar del fuerte tono de crítica social de la filosofía “Student as Producer” en la que se basaba este proyecto institucional, Neary había conseguido conectar de forma inapelable los principios pedagógicos de  Healy y Jenkins, dos de los más respetados expertos en materia de integración de investigación y docencia, con teorías emancipatorias de corte marxista. La Universidad de Lincoln se embarcaba oficialmente en su reinvención. Todos los procedimientos y actividades internas de la Universidad debían redefinirse en torno a un detallado y ambicioso plan estratégico.

El proyecto de Neary trajo un soplo de aire fresco al mundo universitario y los estudiantes y profesores de Lincoln lo adoptaron con entusiasmo y profesionalidad. Los principios pedagógicos que se proponían institucionalmente en el proyecto[3] ponían al estudiante en el centro del proceso de un aprendizaje cooperativo y estimulante basado en el descubrimiento, la investigación, la resolución de problemas, la conexión con la sociedad y la diseminación digital. Pero tal y como el propio Neary reconoce, la Universidad de Lincoln continúa siendo una universidad neoliberal[4] Para Neary, el marco político imperante impide la transformación desde dentro de las instituciones. Sus lúcidas reflexiones sobre las ideas de Mathiesen en torno a los espacios donde la revolución es posible le llevan a sugerir que el potencial disruptivo de la educación superior solo se puede encontrar en organizaciones universitarias de tipo cooperativo ajenas al sistema oficial. Neary parece reconocer que solamente cuando la crisis se acentúe y la capacidad extractiva de valor del sistema capitalista se agote podrán estas universidades alternativas cumplir su cometido revolucionario. Para mí, esto supone una negación del potencial emancipatorio y transformador de cualquier pedagogía crítica, tanto dentro como fuera del sistema oficial universitario, e incluso recorta las aspiraciones de esas universidades alternativas, cuya utilidad quedaría supeditada a que la crisis del sistema capitalista nos llevara a un punto de implosión.

El Capitalismo Soterrado

A mi modo de ver, y sin negar la importancia abrumadora del contexto político,  existe otra razón por la que nos encontramos en este desmoralizante punto muerto en el mundo de la pedagogía crítica universitaria: el movimiento académico y estudiantil contrario a la mercantilización se ha caracterizado por la falta de fórmulas pedagógicas que intenten contrarrestar aspectos clave del modo de relaciones tradicional que aun impera en las universidades. Una de las excepciones es “Student as Producer”, pero sus interesantes principios pedagógicos no son fáciles de traducir en prácticas educativamente transformativas. En mi opinión habría sido necesario abordar cuestiones fundamentales en torno al carácter, valoración y finalidad de la producción de conocimiento estudiantil, así como el papel del profesor con respecto a esa producción y el del estudiante en la sociedad. Además, estas iniciativas de pedagogía crítica tienen muchas más posibilidades de éxito cuando parten del propio convencimiento personal del profesorado.

Como explico a continuación, los diagnósticos que se ha hecho de la mercantilización, en general, son incompletos, ya que no incluyen un análisis crítico del papel jugado por la propia universidad en el mantenimiento y promoción de unos valores que dotan de coherencia cultural a estas “reformas” neoliberales y permiten la imposición de las políticas sin resistencia social notable. A pesar de los nobles esfuerzos de muchos miembros de la comunidad universitaria británica, y sin negar las aportaciones extraordinarias de las instituciones educativas británicas al progreso, éstas han sido durante dos siglos un nutritivo caldo de cultivo del aparato ideológico-político y productivo que ahora las amenaza.

El arraigo cultural en las universidades británicas de prácticas educativas que son altamente congruentes con el sistema político capitalista y lo sostienen y retroalimentan, ha permitido una naturalización asombrosamente incruenta de los nuevos modos de relación neoliberales. La recepción de las políticas y modos de organización neoliberales se ha producido con una mezcla de resignación y aceptación relativamente pacífica por amplios sectores del mundo universitario y de la población en general. Evidentemente hay otros factores como la desmovilización sindical y de la izquierda en este país que también habría que incluir en un análisis más amplio y detallado de este fenómeno. Pero mi hipótesis es que el terreno donde la semilla política neoliberal germinó en Inglaterra estaba ya bien abonado cuando apareció el Neoliberalismo. Las convenciones y valores en las que estas prácticas educativas se sustentan, y a las que a continuación nos referimos, informan procedimientos y rituales institucionales e identidades profesionales. Podría afirmar también que aquellas han pasado desapercibidas. Se resguardan tras el imaginario de una tradición universitaria clásica romantizada, como memoria construida no solo en torno a representaciones culturales de la universidad anglosajona, sino a partir de las propias las experiencias de académicos y estudiantes de las décadas de los 60, 70 y 80.

Cabe cuestionarse también, desde una perspectiva material, pero sin caer en más fatalismos e inevitabilidades, si en realidad la mercantilización de la enseñanza universitaria no es más que una consecuencia lógica de un proceso de más amplio recorrido que comenzó con la modernidad industrial británica y en el cual las universidades han jugado un papel durante los dos últimos siglos que podría calificase de ambivalente, aunque siempre desde dentro del propio sistema capitalista, alimentándolo y perfeccionando su capacidad expansiva y culturalmente totalizadora;  suavizándolo más que contrarrestándolo.

  1. Competir por resultados

La competencia por los recursos y la productividad es uno de los fundamentos ideológicos del capitalismo actual y claramente precede al Neoliberalismo de los años 80 del Siglo XX. En el mundo universitario anglosajón, probablemente más que en ninguna otra esfera cultural, esta competencia es consustancial a la actividad académica. Se engañan quienes afirman que los rankings actuales, las encuestas a los estudiantes, o la metrificación de los resultados de investigación ha “incorporado la rivalidad al ADN de las universidades”. [5] La rivalidad entre las universidades por atraer los mejores talentos, producir los mejores resultados y conseguir los más altos honores proviene de los tiempos del duopolio universitario de Oxford y Cambridge en Inglaterra y se extendió al resto de las universidades “tradicionales” del país, que fueron creadas durante el Siglo XIX (con oposición vehemente en muchos casos por parte de la élite académica de Oxbridge, por cierto).

  1. La cuantificación numérica del esfuerzo y la retribución

La competitividad en torno a indicadores numéricos en el mundo universitario inglés se refleja de forma temprana en las propias relaciones entre los estudiantes. Fue en Cambridge, a mediados del Siglo XVIII, donde se impuso una cultura de la evaluación orientada a la clasificación de los estudiantes en rankings basados en rigurosos exámenes de matemáticas para los que se les preparaba meticulosamente[6]. Y fue precisamente un científico y tutor de esa universidad, William Farish, quien decidió, emulando una herramienta de control de calidad de la industria del calzado, el “grade” (grado), maximizar la eficiencia en el proceso de evaluación de sus alumnos estandarizándolo y  “numerificándolo”[7]. Poco después, el Nuevo Estatuto de Exámenes (New Examination Statute) de la Universidad de Oxford de 1800, que introdujo los exámenes competitivos en esa institución, sirvió como herramienta de control sobre un alumnado cada vez más ideologizado que demandaba reformas políticas. Bajo el nuevo régimen examinador, competir se convirtió en la prioridad en detrimento de las actividades revolucionarias.[8] Los elementos transaccionales y retributivos de la relación educativa con el estudiante comenzaban a ser más claramente reconocibles. Fue ya a principios del Siglo XX, al calor de la fascinación por el progreso industrial, las estadísticas, los deportes competitivos y el cientificismo, cuando en los sistemas de evaluación de toda la educación británica se adoptaron convenciones numéricas para los resultados.

Hoy en día los procesos evaluadores en todo el sistema educativo son altamente rigurosos y precisos y en ellos las puntuaciones se manejan con gran celo profesional en escalas de 20 a 90 o de 0 a 100, en el caso de las universidades. El resultado académico final también viene representado bien por una letra (de la A a la G en la Enseñanza Secundaria de Inglaterra y Gales) o por una “class“ (clase) en las universidades (Primera, Segunda 1, Segunda 2 y Tercera en todo el país). Cada una de estas “clases” cubre una horquilla numérica. Los términos “class” y “degree classification” (“clasificación de la titulación”) evocan inevitablemente a la estratificación social británica y a los rankings, tablas y ligas de todo tipo que hoy día nos saturan.

La práctica de exámenes estandarizados, que también existía en China desde tiempos de la Dinastia Tang (Sighlos VII y VIII) con claros fines de control político y social, y la “numerificación” del resultado académico fueron apareciendo también, con peculiaridades propias, prácticamente en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, es solamente en Gran Bretaña, y en otros países anglosajones, donde estas prácticas culturales capitalistas universitarias tienen un carácter altamente autóctono y endógeno. Por eso son fácilmente asociables con una parte importante del universo simbólico y discursivo de la historia una nación campeona del empirismo, la ciencia, la tecnología y la industria. Las prácticas “numerificadoras” también son altamente congruentes con valores como la puntualidad, ese afán por controlar el futuro con precisión que tantas resonancias tiene también con la conocida obsesión por la planificación y prevención de riesgos, o con una institución económica de fuerte influencia anglosajona: la industria de los seguros.

  1. El género y la expresión

El ensayo académico es el género dominante en la comunicación académica humanística y de las ciencias sociales en Gran Bretaña. Tal y como afirman Lillis y Scott (18)[9] el artículo de revista científica continúa siendo implícitamente el modelo para los textos que los estudiantes deben producir. Por lo general los alumnos reciben un entrenamiento meramente normativo que les permite adaptar su investigación y reflexión académica a las convenciones estilísticas del ensayo como género de producción escrita y al principio de integridad académica. Durante el curso los estudiantes entregan estos ensayos y reciben apoyo y feedback en forma de comentarios, a la par que una calificación numérica.

Existe amplio acuerdo en que la práctica académica profesional es reflejo de valores e ideologías propias de las comunidades académicas, pero también lo es de posiciones y relaciones de poder internas y con respecto al resto de la sociedad. Cada hegemonía tiene su pedagogía[10]. Es ahí, en mi opinión, donde también los críticos del Neoliberalismo se han quedado cortos en su análisis. Han ignorado la necesidad de revisar aquellos aspectos de la producción estudiantil de conocimiento que son consustanciales al sistema capitalista. Como ya se sugería en Liberation in OpenLIVES (2013) los posibles elementos críticos, en un sentido gramsciano, que la pedagogía dominante en la Enseñanza Superior en Gran Bretaña pueda tener quedan obscurecidos por la alienación creativa y política impuesta a los estudiantes. Es cierto que el ensayo, con su característica intertextualidad, se asemeja a un diálogo libre entre el estudiante y los especialistas que aparecen en las fuentes citadas, pero en realidad es tan solo la escenificación de un debate, a modo de concierto sinfónico, con pretensiones de objetividad y autoridad que, en muchos casos, termina siendo una simple prueba de madurez o un ritual de paso.

En general, los géneros y modos de expresión tradicionales que se les ofrecen al estudiante para articular y comunicar sus descubrimientos están híper-regulados y son claramente distantes y exclusivistas. El tipo de hegemonía cultural al que se ven sometidos los estudiantes les limita a la hora de descubrir su propio lugar, emocional, social y políticamente, con respecto a lo que investigan. Por muy emancipatorios que puedan ser intelectualmente los contenidos de las asignaturas, en mi opinión, parafraseando a Walter Benjamin cuando se refería al aparato burgués de producción haciéndose eco de Brecht, el aparato de producción académico

…puede asimilar un increíble número de temas revolucionarios, e incluso propagarlos sin cuestionar en serio ni su propia existencia [la del aparato de producción] ni la existencia de clase que los posee. (1970: 89)[11]

  1. La división del trabajo

Continuando con la idea anterior, la investigación académica y producción de conocimiento está tristemente sujeta a patrones propios de la  industria moderna. En la era pre-internet, la división y especialización del trabajo mantuvo a los autores académicos relativamente alejados de las audiencias generales. La responsabilidad de diseminar e integrar contenidos académicos críticos en debates no académicos y dinámicas sociales y políticas no era tanto del intelectual, que al publicar había cumplido su cometido, como de quienes leyeran el libro. De igual forma, el destinatario del trabajo escrito por el estudiante era, y sigue siendo, el profesor, y allí acaba el posible recorrido social de esa producción.

Afortunadamente hoy día se le da cada vez más importancia al “impacto” de la investigación en la sociedad, e internet lo facilita mucho, pero sigue existiendo cierto desdén hacia esta idea, sobre todo en materias y contenidos que se consideran minoritarios. Este sentimiento, aparentemente reaccionario, tiene en parte su origen en la excesiva planificación y control de la actividad investigadora: los libros y artículos se escriben y publican como parte de planes dirigidos por las facultades para atraer fondos de las autoridades que evalúan y financian las investigaciones. En cierto modo, los mecanismos de evaluación de la calidad de la investigación en Gran Bretaña conducen también a su mercantilización. El valor humanístico intrínseco de la producción corre el riesgo de disociarse del valor reputacional y financiero que le conceden los rankings y las puntuaciones conseguidas.

¿Hay salida?

En la Gran Bretaña post-thatcheriana ha sido más fácil aceptar cognitiva y emocionalmente el modelo de universidad neoliberal, con todo lo que ello implica en cuanto a los modos de relación y función social de la educación, que en otros países. Para la naturalización de esa nueva realidad política solo se requería reforzar la visibilidad de los paralelismos existentes con otros aspectos de la sociedad británica y de sus imaginarios.

Sin embargo, también en Gran Bretaña, y quizás sobre todo en Gran Bretaña, hay que ofrecer respuestas eficaces que contrarresten esta concepción más empresarial, mecanicista, jerarquizada y funcional de las universidades que las condena a convertirse en “fábricas de licenciados” para alimentar silenciosamente la maquinaria de “Britain PLC” (Gran Bretaña Sociedad Anónima). Para ello, y a pesar de que la agenda transformadora de “Student as Producer parece haber perdido fuerza, hay que enfatizar la vigencia de la siguiente idea de Walter Benjamin, reivindicada por Neary y Winn[12]:

Allá por los años 30, en un artículo titulado “El autor como productor”, Benjamín extendía sus ideas de autonomía productiva de los estudiantes con respecto a sus profesores y alzaba la vista más allá de la universidad para incluir las relaciones entre los autores y sus lectores. El propósito de estas conexiones era encontrar formas en las que los intelectuales pudieran implicarse en temas sociales de importancia a través de prácticas que fueran más allá de simplemente estar comprometido con un asunto y de formas pasivas de solidaridad.

Además, se debe promover una concienciación suficientemente crítica dentro del propio mundo de la educación que nos permita identificar el alto grado de congruencia cultural entre la hegemonía capitalista, por un lado, y ciertos valores, patrones y prácticas culturales de la universidad tradicional, por otro. Solo así se podrán poner en marcha fórmulas pedagógicas realmente contra-hegemónicas que cuestionen abiertamente tanto las herramientas expresivas que se ponen a disposición de los estudiantes como, en la medida de lo posible, la concepción del estudiante como un competidor en busca de recompensas numéricas. Estos deben ser los primeros pasos para avanzar hacia un modelo de universidad diferente y más humano.

Hay que decir en defensa de la universidad británica que, a pesar de lo expresado en este epígrafe, sigue existiendo un alto grado de tolerancia y espíritu innovador y que su producción científica y educativa es extraordinaria. Gracias a ello, iniciativas como OpenLIVES han recibido un apoyo incondicional que les ha permitido florecer. En la amplitud de miras de la universidad británica se encuentra parte de la solución a los retos que el Neoliberalismo nos plantea.

[1] Mike Molesworth, Richard Scullion and Elizabeth Nixon (eds.) The Marketisation of Higher Education and Student-as-a-consumer. London and New York : Routledge, 2011.


[3] Neary, Mike, Gary Saunders, Andy Hagyard, and Dan Derricott. Student as Producer: research-engaged teaching, an institutional strategy, 2014

[4] Neary, Mike and Gary Saunders. “Student as producer and the politics of abolition: Making a new form of dissident institution?”. Critical Education.7(5). (2016).


[6] Fauvel, John “800 years of mathematical tradition”. Fauvel, Raymond Flood et al. (eds.), Eight Hundred Years of the Mathematical Sciences. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. p. 25


[8] Ellis, Heather. Generational conflict and university reform: Oxford in the age of revolution. Leiden: Brill., 2012

[9] Lillis, Theresa and Mary Scott. “Defining academic literacies research: issues of epistemology, ideology and strategy”. Journal of Applied Linguistics 4(1) (2007):  5–32.

[10] Alvarez, Guadalupe. “La cuestión educativa en el pensamiento de Antonio Gramsci: aportes para el análisis del caso de la Ley Federal de Educación en Argentina”. Educación y Discurso 15 (2009): 90-106.

[11]  Walter Benjamin, ‘El autor como productor’ en New Left Review I/62, July-August 1970. 1934

[12] Neary, Mike and Winn, Joss. “The student as producer: reinventing the student experience in higher education”. Bell, Leslie, Stevenson, Howard & Neary, Mike. (Eds.). The future of higher education: policy, pedagogy and the student experience. London: Continuum, 2009: 192-210.